If you’ve landed on this page, you probably have something to share.
Like me, you might be on a mission to make real estate work for everyone. I love real estate. Real estate makes places good or bad, rich or poor, beautiful or not. On my show, I interview the disruptors, those creative thinkers and doers that are shrugging off the status quo, in order to build better for everyone.
If you are a founder, a leader or a visionary working to create change in the real estate industry, then you’ve come to the right place. If you’re tackling the housing crisis, zoning issues or building with mass timber, you have a story to tell. If you’re working on alternative finance options to create an equitable financial landscape, printing houses or building tiny ones, I’d love to talk to you. Or if you’re on a path to increase mobility for everyday people, start a fund for minority developers or are simply building a radical project, our listeners will want to know more.. And let’s not forget proptech and fintech, both so important for the new future of the real estate industry.
Apply below to be a guest on my podcast, Rethink Real Estate. For Good. I’m looking forward to meeting you!